Monday, April 5, 2010

Tuesday, April 6 0958

It was a three day weekend, since Monday was Qingming, translated to me as 'Tombsweeping Day' or 'Mourning Day': it's about remembering ancestors and visiting gravesites. Sean, Chris, and I spent the day walking out on BeiDi road and then BeiQing Highway and walked straight out of Shanghai Municipality: roughly 50km on foot through construction and countryside. At the end was the 'communist china' one sees in movies, with people walking out of factories which look out over fields of safflowers with peasants planting. It was really cool, and I had brought my camera, but sadly I didn't realize I was out of battery power =(. Total fail on my part, but oh well: we're hoping to take mopeds down the coast to Hong Kong in a couple weeks, and so I should be able to see similar terrain and take good pictures.


  1. Sounds incredibly awesome! Get as many Socialist Realism shots you can, I love that stuff! :P

  2. How fun! Wow, that's a lot of walking though. Mopeds will be cool.
