Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

I'll be in Beijing by the time anyone is likely to see this, and it'll be christmas by then, so...

Merry Christmas!

Hope you find some good food to eat in a warm place and enjoy your Saturday =)

I'll be back from Beijing on Monday: I promise to take pictures.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wednesday December 22, 0902

Last night, I went to a place across the street and ordered braised dog.

It was really tasty! It had the texture of steak, although the flavor was much more like lamb. In the spicy hot pot, I dare say it has been one of the better meat dishes I've had in China. We ordered it along with lamb, and we had difficulty telling which was which: we identified the dog by virtue of the hip-joint piece. The kind of dog used to eat is usually some kind of small yip-dog: likely a pomeranian.

I wonder if there is dog bacon: then I could have some Beggin' Strips. It's BACON!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monday December 13

Another D&D session tonight, and the game work is coming along nicely. It's rainy and ugly outside today, sadly. Am starting to plan a weekend trip to Beijing with Toby: if it is feasible, I guess I'll have my chance to see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wednesday December 8, 0952

D&D was pretty fun last night, and everyone seemed to have a fun enough time. We didn't get very far w.r.t. my prepared material, but that basically means I have less work to do for next week, hehehe. Goff Night tonight, so that'll be fun.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tuesday December 7th, 0902

Toby has arrived! I took Monday off and showed him how to use the subway, and I took him to some of the easier-to-get-to tourist spots, and we also went to a Buddhist temple. He'll be joining in on my D&D game tonight with the other guys, but generally off doing whatever while I have work. So it's nice to have a friend from the states come visit!

Just working otherwise, although I'll probably have to sneak in some D&D preparation at lunch today.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thursday December 2 0931

The Armin Van Buuren show was awesome: easily the best time I've ever had in terms of paid entertainment!

This week has been having a stuffy nose though, although otherwise I'm feeling much better.