Monday, February 8, 2010

Tuesday February 9 0913

Another day, another post!

Chinese New Year is this weekend, and so I really need to get some plans together for Saturday and the following week (which I get off). I'd prefer to hang out with the locals, since I figure they know how to have fun on the New Year's eve, but my default plan is to go fireworks watching over the Bund.

Today, though, is just work. No real sign of work fatigue yet though, since I still look forward to coming in just about every work-morning: can't say that's been a common experience, haha!


  1. So, are you going to be able to blog during your week off? Or do we all have to wait to hear about Chinese New Year in China??

  2. I don't know: the router we got this weekend doesn't really work, and my roommate is going to Beijing to visit family. I'll probably stop by the office during the vacation at some point to put up a post and check mail.
