I've decided I'd like to actually use the various 4e Dungeons & Dragons books I brought back out to Boston with me by playing a few solitaire games. The plan is to run as many of the small adventures in the Dungeon Delves book until I die. The book has tactics and monster stats handy for each encounter, so should be easier to run for myself than randomly generating a dungeon myself.
An interesting bit is that I'm too lazy to run umpteen monsters at the same time as a full party of adventurers. So, instead of running 4 player characters, I will be running 2! I'm also too lazy to tweak the encounters every time to account for my tiny party: instead, I'm giving my adventurers two initiatives: this will let them do their thing twice each round. No extra hit points, no extra action points, and half the variety of accessible powers will still make this quite a challenge :)
Last night, I ran two of three encounters in the first level delve: I'll write up the delve when I finish the third boss encounter. So far, it has been narrow victories with clinging-to-life-ed-ness.
So fun....takes me back to my D&D'ing days....who needs pesky other folks to enjoy a dungeon crawl?