Sunday, April 25, 2010

Monday April 26 0859

I went to the ocean on my bike this weekend, was fun!

Me and my bike.

The beautiful day.

The stair-tower vantage point I went up. Very few handrails!

Ocean in the direction of Seattle!


  1. Great looking bike! You are looking super yourself! :) What was the beach like? Doesn't look too user-friendly, haha. Miss you here! :)

  2. You look great! Sounds like a very fun weekend. I'm so glad you're getting around to see everything while you're there. hugz and stuff. Miss you much!

  3. we like to watch The Amazing Race on teevee. They were in Shanghai for this week's episode. It was fun to watch it and wonder if you'd been to some of the places they showed. Do you go to any of the noodle houses? That looked yummy.

  4. Great pictures, glad to hear you are taking advantage of all the sights, sounds and smells. Gma
