All the new programmers have arrived, so have been spending lots of time meeting new people, which's been nice. I've gotten quite good at ping pong, so the new opponents are appreciated.
And some geekiness: I've been sinking my teeth deep into a game of Emperor of the Fading Suns using the Nova patch: I'm playing a random galaxy as House Hazat, and am stomping over Holy Terra and the other Houses, waging planetary war on the Church, Al-Malik, and Hawkwood simultaneously with universal warehouse off, which is quite a logistical feat given the roughly two hundred troops I am ferrying towards the respective targets (primarily hover tanks and marauder legions). You can't run away with sceptors in this patch (they can't be transported), so doing raids on the palaces have to be full-on occupation efforts. I have 20 out of the 35 sceptors in the game, but I had promised departments before this, so I am actually doing all these massive invasions while fighting against the Imperial Navy and the Stigmata Garrison (Aragon is right next to Stigmata in this galaxy >_<) with my own home-grown fleet of invasion landers, meson starbases, and battle cruisers loaded with Prophet torpedoe fighters: I am particularly eager to make headway against Hawkwood so that I can get access to Delphi's gem resources so I can get more ships made. I hope to take Holy Terra, Delphi, and Ishtakhr within thirty to forty turns, and will declare myself Emperor once I've conquered them and assassinated their nobles on Byzantium II, although I might delay it if I feel like doing a Reconquista on the Symbiot worlds. Fun =)