Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monday March 8 1019

Although I of course miss friends and loved ones, it is easy to be strong and enjoy what I am doing at the moment. However, the things that most consistently have me going "uggh, I wish I had some ---" and "argh, this isn't like ---" are the following:

Little Things I Miss:
1- Doritos: Every chip here is meat or fish flavored, nothing else, not even Sour Cream or Salt & Pepper, and absolutely no chance of a cheesy tortilla chip.
2- Tap Water: You can't drink water that has come from the tap, only boiled or bottled water, unless you want to risk a microbial stomach sickness.
3- Sandwiches: There. Are. No. Sandwiches. In. China.
4- My Laptop's Virginity: Before I came to China, my laptop was fine. Now, due to the petri dish that is the workplace network, it is crawling with viruses that I will have to nuke when I get back.
5- Easy Banking: Every mechanism to stop Chinese people from stealing my money online works great. Too bad I'm 'Chinese'.


  1. Can we send you a care package with some goodies in it (chips, bottled water, etc?)

  2. Sure, although the shipping cost would probably be high. Probably safer to send it to my work than my house. Just write my name on the thing and send it to the address on this page:
