Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 20 2014

This week I'm trying to learn numbers so I can bargain next time I go to Yu Yuan Gardens. Otherwise, tomorrow is another normal workday.

Ling - 0
Eee - 1
Ahr - 2
Sahn - 3
Seuh - 4
Wu - 5
Liu - 6
Tsi - 7
Ba - 8
Jiu - 9
Shi - 10
Bai - 100
Qian - 1000


  1. Can you come back and translate for me? I have 2 chinese students and with 1 mom doesn't speak english. All I know from them so far is 1-5, which actually helps seeing you write it out and hi

  2. So what is say.....14? Is it a compound of the other notation?

  3. Ha, don't know if I know enough chinese other than to greet them, but I could try! 14 is /SIs@/, or "Shi Seuh". 24 would be /aRSIs@/, or "ahr shi seuh".
