Sunday, June 27, 2010

Monday June 28 1057

Rainy rainy monday, blecch. My clothes have been trying to hang-dry for 3 days now with little success: too humid and overcast!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thursday June 24 0925

I've been playing the original campaign of Neverwinter Nights to pass the time at home in the evenings: I've never actually finished it before. And man... it is a colossal game. Having spent what feels like a hundred hours on it, I'm just now halfway through it! I'm playing a elven Fighter/Thief, and am rocking a pretty mean longsword at the moment. I always play F/T because it is nice to just steamroll over encounters and pick up all the loot afterwards.

In the 'not spend China playing computer games department', it's been really muggy and uncomfortable out the past few days. Despite that, I've been going to the French, Italian, and German restaurants, and am really spending a little too much on the lovely food: I've developed a liking for red wine too. I still order Stella for my beer though.

A new programming intern guy has come out, so it's cool to have a new friend: his name is Matt and he's from Cambridge, England. He has a pretty thick Lennonesque accent, but we'll Americanize his speech eventually through peer pressure ;-)

We're about to finish a major development milestone for the game, so I'm excited to reset and approach the second phase with a fresh head. I'm thinking I might book a fast train to Beijing and see the tanks.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Friday June 18 0940

Pretty slow week: just recharging and getting ready for the last push for development. I've been coming up with some new game ideas, and I'll propose one to Zhang soonish, although I imagine that he'd wait to come on board for another project until the end of this one. I am thinking of how/when I'll get a little vacation while I'm here in China, since I haven't ventured beyond Shanghai Municipality nor Jiangsu or Anhui Province.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thursday June 10 1420

We're going to E3, so I get to post promotional stuff now =)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tuesday June 8 1135

Feeling a bit better today, although still have a headache. It's really nice outside though, so will get out of this urban cave for a lunch I think =)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Monday June 7 0943

Blegh: I've been ill the past few days with some kind of summer fever. Woke up better this morning, but sure was lame to miss my weekend recuperating, ah well.